
Yaskawa P1000 Fault Codes

Below is a table of common fault codes found on Yaskawa P1000 units. If problems continue to occur, it may be worth replacing your unit. MRO Electric specializes in Yaskawa repair, as well as unit distribution, if you are interested in obtaining a new or refurbished P1000 unit.

bATDigital Operator Battery Voltage Low - The digital operator battery is low Replace the digital operator battery.
boLBraking Transistor Overload Fault - The wrong braking resistor is installed Select the correct braking resistor.
bUSOption Communication Error - No signal was received from the PLC. Check for faulty wiring.
CE MEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error - Faulty communications wiring or an existing short circuit.
CEMEMOBUS/Modbus Communication Error - Faulty communications wiring or an existing short circuit.
CPF02A/D Conversion Error - Control circuit is damaged. Replace the control board or the entire drive.
CPF03Control Board Connection Error - Turn off the power and check the connection between the control board and the drive.
CPF06EEPROM Memory Data Error - Turn off the power and check the connection between the control board and the drive.
CPF07Terminal Board Connection Error - Faulty connection between the terminal board and the control board. Turn off the power and reconnect the terminal board.
CPF08Terminal Board Connection Error - Faulty connection between the terminal board and the control board. Turn off the power and reconnect the terminal board.
CPF11Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF12Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF13Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF14Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF15Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF16Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF17Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF18Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF19Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF20Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF21Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF22Hybrid IC Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF23Control Board Connection Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF24Drive Unit Signal Fault - The drive capacity cannot be detected correctly. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF25Terminal Board Not Connected - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF26Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF27Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF28Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF29Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF30Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF31Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF32Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF33Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF34Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF35Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF40Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF41Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF42Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
CPF43Control Circuit Error - Hardware is damaged. Cycle Power. Replace hardware.
E5SI-T3 Watchdog Timer Error - Data has not been received from the PLC Execute DISCONNECT or ALM_CLR, then issue a CONNECT command or SYNC_SET command.
EF0Option Card External Fault - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes.
EF1External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF2External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF3External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF4External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF5External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF6External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF7External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
EF8External Fault Terminal S1 - An external fault condition is present. Check external causes. Bad S1 Terminal.
ErrEEPROM Write Error - Noise has corrupted data. Cycle power. Correct the parameter.
FAnInternal Fan Fault - Internal cooling fan has malfunctioned. Check for fan operation.
FbHExcessive PID Feedback - PID feedback input is greater than the level set to. Check parameter.
FbLPID Feedback Loss - Check parameter. There is a problem with the feedback sensor.
GFGround Fault - A current short to ground exceeded 50% of rated current on the output side of the drive. Check motor/cables.
LFOutput Phase Loss - Phase loss on the output side of the drive. Check motor/cables.
LF3Power Unit Output Phase Loss 3 - Phase loss on the output side of the drive. Check motor/cables.
nSENode Setup Error - A terminal assigned to the node setup function closed during run.
oCOvercurrent - Output current greater than the specified overcurrent level. Check parameter. Check motor.
oFA01Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA03Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA04Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA05Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA06Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA10Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA11Option Card Fault - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA12Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA13Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA14Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA15Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA16Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA17Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA30Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA31Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA32Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA33Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA34Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA35Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA36Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA37Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA38Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA39Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA40Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA41Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA42Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFA43Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb00Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb01Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb02Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb03Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb11Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb12Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb13Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb14Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb15Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb16Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFb17Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC00Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC01Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC02Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC03Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC11Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC12Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC13Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC14Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC15Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC16Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC17Option Card Connection Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC50Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC51Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC52Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC53Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC54Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oFC55Option Card Error - The option card connection is faulty. Check connection. Replace hardware.
oHHeatsink Overheat - Check ambient temperature. Check parameter setting.
oH1Heatsink Overheat - Check ambient temperature. Check parameter setting.
oH4Motor Overheat Fault (PTC input) - Check ambient temperature. Check parameter setting.
oH5Motor Overheat Fault (NTC input) - Check ambient temperature. Check parameter setting.
oL1Motor Overload - Load heavy. Increase accel or decel time.
oL2Drive Overload - Load heavy. Increase accel or decel time.
oL3Overtorque Detection 1 - current has exceeded the value set for torque detection. Check parameter setting.
oL4Overtorque Detection 2 - current has exceeded the value set for torque detection. Check parameter setting.
oL7High Slip Braking oL - Use braking resistor. Reduce decel time.
oPrOperator Connection Fault - The external operator has been disconnected from the drive.
ovOvervoltage - Deceleration time is too short and regenerative energy is flowing from the motor into the drive. Increase decel time.
PFInput Phase Loss - Drive input power has an open phase or has a large imbalance.
rFBraking Resistor Fault - The resistance of the braking resistor is too low.
rHDynamic Braking Resistor - Deceleration time is too short and excessive regenerative energy is flowing back into the drive.
rrDynamic Braking Transistor - The braking transistor is damaged. Cycle power to the drive and check for reoccurrence of the fault.
SCIGBT Short Circuit or Ground Fault - IGBT failure. Cycle power to the drive and check for reoccurrence of the fault.
SErToo Many Speed Search Restarts - Parameters related to Speed Search are set to the wrong values.
TdETime Data Error - An error has occurred in the real-time clock. Replace digital operator.
THoThermistor Disconnect - The thermistor that detects motor temperature has become disconnected.
TIETime Interval Error - An error has occurred in the real-time clock. Replace digital operator.
TIMTime Not Set - Set time in parameter o4-17.
UL3Undertorque Detection 1 - Current is below the minimum set value. Check parameter setting.
UL4Undertorque Detection 2 - Current is below the minimum set value. Check parameter setting.
UL6Motor Underload - Current is below the minimum set value. Check parameter setting.
UnbCCurrent Unbalance - Current flow has become unbalanced. Check for damaged transistors.
Uv1Undervoltage - DC Bus Undervoltage. Check parameter setting. Input phase loss.
Uv2Control Power Supply Undervoltage - Voltage is too low for the control drive input power. Ride-through power loss.
Uv3Soft Charge Circuit Fault - Precharge relay or resistor fault. Bad precharge.
Uv4Gate Drive Board Undervoltage - Voltage drop in the gate drive board circuit. Cycle power to see if fault reoccurs.
voFOutput Voltage Detection Fault - Problem detected with the voltage on the output side of the drive.
vToLVT Overload - The output current of the drive has been elevated for a set length of time.

Encounter a fault code on your Yaskawa P1000 drive?

MRO Electric is here to guide you through the process of identifying and rectifying any issues, with an extensive selection of Yaskawa products and top-tier repair services to choose from.

Brian Hughes

Brian Hughes is a passionate electrical and content developer for MRO Electric. His main interests are in analog circuit design and solid state physics. Brian's professional background includes working on power system designs for commercial and industrial projects.

Published by
Brian Hughes

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