The Control Techniques UNI2403 Unidrive is a size 2 Unidrive with 5.5kW, 10HP, a 25A output and 19.8A input. The versatile Unidrive was the first universal AC drive capable of providing V/Hz, open, and closed loop vector, servo, and regen control in every unit. The unidrive combines all five of these AC drive technologies into one for the ease of the customer.
For quick setup of basic applications, the UNI2403‘s most common parameters are arrange in one main menu. There are hundreds of user-configurable functions that are separated into 20 logicial menus which provides quick setup for advanced apps.
For more info you can email or call 1-800-691-8511. All of our Control Techniques products are available on our website.

Updated on March 5, 2020 by Brian Hughes