You can check out our previous blog post on the UD75 here for more information. Check out the UD75 product page on our website along with all of our other Unidrive options.
UD75 Configuration
- Isolate the drive from the mains supply and allow 5 minutes for the DC Bus capacitors to discharge.
- Insert Large Option Module as shown below. Ensure that it is correctly inserted. The module will click firmly into place.
- To remove the module, pull on the black tab, and the module will disengage from the connector and pull out of the drive.
UD75 Configuration: Cable Screen
The screen of the cable at every node on the network MUST be connected to the screen terminal (pin 3) on the CTNet terminal block. When the screen is stripped back to connect the twisted pair to the CTNet terminals, keep the exposed section of the cable as short as possible. On the CTNet PC Interface Adapter Card, there is no screen terminal. The screen should be cut and taped back to prevent it coming into contact with any other surfaces. The on-board terminal resistor should not be connected.
UD75 Configuration: Network Termination
The network MUST be fitted with terminating resistors AT BOTH ENDS!!! If resistors are not fitted, the network appear to work OK, but the noise immunity of the network will be drastically reduced. The terminating resistor value should match the nominal characteristic impedance value for the cable; in the case of the customized CTNet cable, the terminating resistors used should be nominally 78Ω. PC ISA and PCMCIA cards for interfacing a PC to CTNet are available from CT SSPD.
For price and ordering info you can email or call 1-800-691-8511. We have these and all the other Control Techniques Unidrive Classic option modules in stock, along with the drives themselves.

Updated on March 5, 2020 by Brian Hughes