Unidrive SP AC Drives Used in Belgian Theme Park Ride

Unidrive SP AC Drives Used in Belgian Theme Park Ride

Wondering what Control Techniques Unidrive SP Drives are actually used for? Well here’s a pretty cool application for those of you that enjoy theme parks. This zero-gravity ride at the Walibi Theme Park in Belgium was recently refurbished using Unidrive SP Drives. Previously, the ride had been using Unidrive Classic Drives to run the motors which hoisted riders over 250 feet in the air.

emerson drives on rides
Dalton Terror Ride powered by Unidrive SP Drives

More information about the retrofit:

The drop tower is based at the Walibi theme park; the ride is a round tower of 77m in height and has five rows of seats, each with four-person capacity, in a ring around the tower.

The seats, weighing 1.5 tonnes empty, are hoisted by speed-controlled Leroy Somer geared motors to the top of the tower, where they are released to drop in freefall at a maximum speed of 110km/hr, generating complete weightlessness.

Magnetic current brakes that comprise permanent magnets fitted in the seats generating powerful Foucault currents in the metallic frame of the tower provide fault-free guaranteed braking, independent of the power supply, bringing the ride to a safe slow speed with hydraulic shock absorbers providing the final soft stop at the base.

This, Control Techniques said, makes the ride a ’zero-risk’ attraction.

The Dalton Terror was originally installed in the park in 1998 and featured the previous Classic Unidrives to haul the seats to the top of the tower.

Compagnie des Alpes has been investing heavily in the upgrading of many of the rides, with the accent heavily on safety.

When it decided to refurbish the Dalton Terror, the precise movement of speed profile of the previous Control Techniques drives was a key factor in the selection of the latest-generation of AC drives and five heavy-duty 75kW Unidrive SPs, operating in closed-loop flux vector mode, were fitted as part of the total renewal of the control panels.

Signals from encoders fitted to each of the Leroy Somer LSMV motors feed back to the drives and, using SM Universal Encoder Plus option modules, are re-transmitted to the PLCs that control the safety of the whole process.

Here’s a video of the ride in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agSTlMNbPpQ

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished Control Techniques parts available including the Unidrive and Unidrive SP series. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com

Modicon Unity Pro Software for Quantum series

modicon quantum

Modicon Unity Pro Software for Quantum series

Modicon PLC Unity Pro Software upgrades are becoming increasingly popular for MRO Electric customers. We find ourselves quoting the software often, but before we can give you a price we need to know which version of the software is necessary for your purposes. That’s why we’ve created this blog post – the table below shows all the variations of part numbers for Unity Pro. Just find your part number and include it in your RFQ… we’ll have a price back to you in no time. Some common questions are answered at the bottom of this post.

If you’re upgrading from Concept, PL7 or ProWORX Modicon PLC, here’s the designation you should purchase based on the version of your current software:

  • From Concept S, PL7 Micro, ProWORX NxT Lite, and ProWORX 32 Lite purchase Unity Pro Small Version 7.0
  • From Concept S/M, PL7 M/J, ProWORX NxT Lite, and ProWORX 32 Lite purchase Unity Pro Medium Version 7.0
  • From Concept S/M, PL7 M/J/P, ProWORX NxT Lite, and ProWORX 32 Lite purchase Unity Pro Large Version 7.0
  • From all models Concept, PL7, ProWORX NxT and ProWORX 32 purchase Unity Pro Extra Large Version 7.0

Other notes:

Software Features:

  • “All-in-one” software
  • 5 IEC61131-3 languages
  • Customizable Function Block Library (DFB) integrated
  • Use the PLC simulator to validate your Program on a PC before installation
  • Full range of Online services

For product descriptions directly from Schneider Electric, check out this link: https://www.schneider-electric.com/en/product-range/548-ecostruxure%E2%84%A2-control-expert/?parent-category-id=3900&parent-subcategory-id=3950

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished Modicon parts available including the Modicon Quantum series. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com

8 Standard Unidrive Macros for Uni2403 or any Classic UniDrive

control techniques unidrive

8 Standard Unidrive Macros for Uni2403 or any Classic UniDrive

Here at MRO Electric, we get a lot of questions about Unidrive Macros for the legacy Classic drives. This post explains the 8 available macros for programming a Uni2403 or another Unidrive part. You can refer to the product manual for the parameters common to all of these macros. This table shows the available Unidrive macros and their codes:

FaultsWhat happens when a fault occurs?
- The appropriate fault reaction is initiated
- Status signal ZSW1.3 is set.
- The fault is entered in the fault buffer.

How are faults eliminated?
- Remove the original cause of the fault
- Acknowledge the fault
AlarmsWhat happens when an alarm occurs?
- Status signal ZSW1.7 is set.
- Alarms are "Self Acknowledging" meaning they are reset when the cause of the alarm has been eliminated.

Now that you know the code for each macro, here’s a little information about how you would use each one:

Macro 1 – Easy Mode

The Easy mode macro for Unidrive classic gives the simplest operation of the drive for basic applications. It is identical to the default condition except that menu 0 has fewer parameters.

Macro 2 – Motorised potentiometer

The Motorised potentiometer macro enables the drive’s own internal motorized potentiometer to control the speed of the drive via digital inputs. A digital input selects between an analog speed reference and the motorized potentiometer reference.

Macro 3 – Preset frequencies/speeds

The Preset reference Unidrive macro enables the use of preset references to control the speed of the motor via digital inputs. A digital input selects between an analog speed reference and the present references.

Macro 4 – Torque control

The Torque control macro configures the drive for use in Torque control mode, selectable via a digital input. Analog input 1 is configured for the torque reference. When in speed control analog 2 is the speed reference. When in torque control with the drive in closed loop mode analog input 2 is the speed override reference. Enabling torque mode with the drive-in open loop mode will put the drive into pure torque control. In closed loop mode, the drive will be put into torque control with speed override.

Macro 5 – PID (set-point control)

The PID control macro enables the drive’s own internal PID controller to control the speed of the motor. Analog input 1 is configured for the main speed reference, analog input 2 is the PID reference and analog input 3 is the PID feedback. A digital input selects between an analog speed reference and the PID control.

Macro 6 – Axis-limit control

The Axis limit control macro configures the drive for use with limit switches so that the drive is stopped when a position limit has been reached. The speed reference can be either unipolar or bipolar.

Macro 7 – Brake control

The brake control macro configures the drive to apply or release a mechanical brake on a motor in a crane or hoist application. The drive issues a brake release signal via a digital output when the relevant conditions are met.

Macro 8 – Digital lock/shaft orientation

^Only available in closed loop vector or servo operating modes.

Digital lock:

The drive operates as a slave in a closed loop master-slave system. The slave motor is digitally locked to the master motor.

Shaft orientation:

The motor speed is controlled in the same way as for default operation, but the motor shaft can be orientated to a specified angular position before and/or after running the motor.

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished Control Techniques parts available including Control Techniques Unidrive and Unidrive SP series. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com.

Unidrive Classic

Troubleshooting a Unidrive with Hardware Fault Trip Codes

unidrive trip codes

Troubleshooting a Unidrive with Hardware Fault Trip Codes

Unidrive Classics are going to trip at one time or another. Refer to this list of Unidrive trip codes next time your Uni1405 or other Unidrive is throwing a mysterious trip error.

HF81 – Software Error (odd address word)
HF82 – Large option module removed
HF83 – Power Board Code Failure
HF84 – Current Offset Trim Failure
HF85 – A to D failure (ES-CC step)
HF86 – Interrupt Watchdog failure
HF87 – Internal ROM check error
HF88 – Watchdog Failure
HF89 – Unused Interrupts (nmi as source)
HF90 – Stack Overflow
HF91 – Stack Underflow
HF92 – Software Error (undefined op code)
HF93 – Software Error (protection fault)
HF94 – Software Error (odd address word)
HF95 – Software Error (odd address inst.)
HF96 – Software Error (illegal ext bus)
HF97 – Level 1 Noise
HF98 – Interrupt Crash
HF99 – Level 1 Crash

A few notes on these Unidrive trip codes:

  • HF trips are internal hardware faults within the drive. Powering the drive down and re-applying power could clear the fault.
  • Resetting the drive will not clear a HF trip.
  • If a HF trip occurs, the Drive Healthy relay will open to indicate this
  • The serial communications will not function during a HF trip
  • The only HF trip that can be caused by the user is a HF82 trip where a
    large option module is removed while the drive is powered up.The drive should be powered down, the module re-fitted correctly and the power reapplied to clear the trip

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished Control Techniques, parts available including the Control Techniques Unidrive Classic and Control Techniques Unidrive SP series. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com.

Real-Time Data Collection using PLC Networking

This article from Control Engineering offers a great preview of the future of manufacturing with PLCs. Ethernet connections allow for real-time data collection, which introduces great networking potential between workers and the machines. Because PLCs can be programmed to make decisions based on input variables, we can automate more tasks but still be confident that process variables are under control. The development and innovation of Modicon Quantum I/O Modules create the backbone of the PLC networking configuration.

Another exciting revelation in the article:

To meet the growing operation needs of industrial automation, networks continue to expand, offering monitoring and control capabilities in areas not previously possible. Device networks are now using fieldbus-to-Ethernet integration to develop enterprise-wide control networks. Merging networking functionality with PLCs enables users to off-load main processor tasks for distributed control in the field, placing control-level devices closer to the action. Additionally, by combining control with distributed I/O, manufacturers can lower their total cost of operation by streamlining data acquisition, communication, and factory-wide connectivity.

We can’t wait to see how users pair the networking capabilities of PLCs with infrastructure already in place on the factory floor.

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished Modicon products available including the Modicon Quantum series. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com.

North Carolina Manufacturing Expansion Project

North Carolina Manufacturing Expansion Project

Great news from our home state of North Carolina – the manufacturing company Oiles America is expanding their facility outside of Charlotte and increasing production capacity by 75%. From an article in the Charlotte Observer:

The project was completed to help increase manufacturing capacity and enable the company to expand its product line. Included in the expansion are increased research and development facilities, and renovations to existing office and warehouse spaces.

The project also will incorporate energy efficiency technology and occupancy sensors, and it has the potential to use solar energy in the future.

MRO Electric and Supply has new and refurbished FANUC CNC, FANUC Robotics, Control TechniquesSiemens, Modicon, Yaskawa, MagneTek, Saftronics, and Omron products available. We also offer repair pricing. For more information, please call 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com.