Siemens Sinumerik Drive and I/O Alarms

For troubleshooting your Siemens Sinumerik system, here is a list of the Siemens Sinumerik Drive and I/O Alarms directly from the Sinumerik manual. For more info, give us a call at 800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric. Our full Sinumerik series is listed here.

Drive and I/O alarms


334 Diagnostics Manual, 03/2011, 6FC5398-2CP10-3BA0

300411 Axis %1 drive %2 error when reading a file (%3, %4)

Parameters: %1 = NC axis number

%2 = Drive number

%3 = Error code 1

%4 = Error code 2
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Siemens Simodrive Repair

The Siemens Simodrive series is one of their best selling lines and their most reliable, but that doesn’t mean that the drives will last forever. We’ve been been repairing customers drives for years and pride ourselves on a fast turnaround which is cost effective as well. Customers always want to keep these drives around, as they are a workhorse in the manufacturing industry. The AC drives are used in a range of applications from use in natural gas facilities to pipeline manufacturers around the world, and we’ve been perfecting our Siemens Simodrive repair process to keep these lines running.

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Siemens Sinumerik 840D Application

For customers interested in learning more about the Siemens Sinumerik 840D Application here is an excerpt of the catalog from Siemens.

SINUMERIK® 840D sl provides an open, flexible and powerful CNC system with the SINAMICS S120 design for up to 93 axes. With characteristics that describe it as decentralized, scalable, open, inter-connectable and with a wide range of functionality, the SINUMERIK 840D sl is suitable for use in almost every machining technology and it sets
the standard in dynamics, precision and network integration. The SINUMERIK 840D sl offers you uniformity in its programming, operation and machining cycles. With its efficiency in programming, installation and commissioning, this CNC system platform is characterized by its optimum design, innovative NC functionality, communication
and openness. The SINUMERIK 840D sl, available in several performance variants, can be perfectly customized to the practically every machine and machining technology in the manufacturing industry.

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Control Techniques UNIDRIVE Alarm and Status Indications

Control Techniques Unidrives
Control Techniques Unidrives

When there is a critical condition detected in your Control Techniques UNIDRIVE, the drive will continue to operate, but the lower display’s status indication will be replaced by an alarm indication. When an HF trip takes place, the Drive Healthy relay will open and serial communications will not function. It is important to give attention to alarm indications, because if an issue is not corrected, the drive could trip.

Refer to the guide below to help identify what kind of error your UNIDRIVE may be experiencing. A comparison chart with status indications is also provided to help identify what happens at each stage of operation.
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