Below is a chart with fault codes regarding the MagneTek G3 GPD503 series drives. MRO Electric and Supply offers free evaluations on units. You can find our RMA form on our repair page. Follow us on Twitter @MROElectric for updates on new products and find any deals we may have.
bb | External Base Block command Base Block command at multi-function terminal is active, shutting off GPD 503 output (motor coasting). Temporary condition, cleared when input command is removed. |
bUS | Transmission error Control data cannot be received normally for longer than 2 seconds. |
CALL | Communication ready Drive is waiting for the PLC to establish communication. |
CPF00 | Transmission error or control function hardware fault (including internal RAM, external RAM or PROM) Transmission between GPD 503 and remote operator is not established within 5 seconds after the power supply is turned on. (Displayed on the remote operator.) |
CPF01 | Transmission error Transmission error occurs 2 seconds or more after transmission has first been established. |
CPF02 | Base block circuit failure GPD 503 failure. |
CPF03 | NV-RAM (S-RAM) fault GPD 503 failure. |
CPF04 | NV-RAM (BCC, Access Code) fault GPD 503 failure. This fault may be caused after changing EPROM chips. Perform a Sn-03 Reset operation to attempt to clear this fault. |
CPF05 | A/D converter failure in CPU GPD 503 failure. |
CPF06 | Optional connection failure Improper installation or wiring of option card. |
CPF20 | A/D converter failure Defective option card. |
CPF21 | Transmission interface card (option) self-analysis function fault Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation. |
CPF22 | Model code fault Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation. |
CPF23 | Mutual-analysis function fault Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation. |
EF (blinking) | Simultaneous forward and reverse operation commands Fwd Run and Rev Run commands are both closed for more than 500 ms. Removing one command will allow drive operation. |
EF0 | External fault GPD 503 is in Stop mode. |
EF3 | Ext. fault signal at term. 3 A fault condition has occurred in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display is blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input. |
EF5 | Ext. fault signal at term. 5 A fault condition has occurred in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display is blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input. |
EF6 | Ext. fault signal at term. 6 A fault condition has occurred in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display is blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input. |
EF7 | Ext. fault signal at term. 7 A fault condition has occurred in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display is blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input. |
EF8 | Ext. fault signal at term. 8 A fault condition has occurred in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display is blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input. |
Err | Constant write-in fault Temporary display, in Program mode, indicating that constant setting was not written into EPROM memory. |
FAn | Cooling fan failure GPD 503 is in Stop mode. |
FU | Fuse blown DC Bus fuse has cleared. Check for short circuit in output, and check main circuit transistors. |
GF | Ground fault protection Ground current > approx. 50% of the GPD 503 rated current. |
oC | Overcurrent GPD 503 output current exceeds 200% of GPD 503 rated current, or ground fault has occurred, with ground current exceeding 50% of GPD 503 rated current. |
oH | Heat sink overheated Fin temperature exceeds 90° C (194° F) |
oH2 (blinking) | External overheat External temperature monitoring circuit(s) detected an overtemperature condition and produced an input signal. |
oL1 | Overload Thermal motor overload protection has tripped. |
oL2 | Overload GPD 503 overload protection has tripped. |
oL3 (blinking) | Overload GPD 503 output torque exceeds the set Overtorque Detection level, but GPD 503 is programmed for continued operation at overtorque detection. |
oL3 | Overload GPD 503 output torque exceeds the set Overtorque Detection level, and GPD 503 is programmed for coast to stop at overtorque detection. |
oPE01 | kVA constant setting fault Sn-01 setting is incorrect. |
oPE02 | Constant setting range fault An-XX, bn-XX, Cn-XX, or Sn-XX setting range fault. |
oPE03 | Constant set value fault Sn-15 to -18 (multi-function input) set value fault. |
oPE04 | Constant set value fault PG constant, number of poles, or PG division rate set incorrectly. |
oPE10 | Constant set value fault Cn-02 to -08 (V/f data) set incorrectly. |
oPE11 | Constant set value fault One of the following conditions was detected: • Cn-23 > 5 KHz and Cn-24 5 KHz or • Cn-25 > 6 and Cn-24 > Cn-23 |
ou (blinking) | Overvoltage Internal monitor of DC Bus voltage indicates that input AC power is excessively high, while GPD 503 is in stopped condition. |
ou | Overvoltage (OV) Detection level: Approx. 400V for 230V; Approx. 800V for 460V; Approx. 1000V for 575V. |
rr | Regenerative transistor Failure Dynamic Braking resistor has failed. |
rH | Braking resistor unit overheated Dynamic Braking resistor has overheated. |
Uu (blinking) | Low voltage (Power UV) Internal monitor of DC Bus voltage indicates that input AC power is below Undervoltage detection level, while the GPD 503 is in stopped condition. |
Uu1 Low voltage (Power UV) | Occurs two seconds after detection of low voltage. |
Uu2 Low voltage UV | Control circuit voltage levels drop below acceptable levels during operation. |
Uu3 Low voltage (MC-ANS fault) | Main circuit magnetic contactor does not operate correctly. |
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