6SN1123-1AA00-0EA1 Configuration and Setup

The steps for 1p 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA1 Manual Configuration and Setup are below as a follow up to our previous entry here.
Start-up Possibilities for 1p 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA1 Configuration
- operator control and display elements (refer to Section 1.3)
- RS232C interface with an IBM AT–compatible computer and start–up soft-
Re-initialize Drive Converter (if required)
If an already initialized drive–converter is to be re–initialized, then proceed as
- if required, back–up the setting data (parameters)
- remove write protection: Set P–051 to 4H
- start initialization: Set P–097 to 0H
- overwrite the parameters in the drive–machine data memory: Set P–052 to 1H, and wait until P–052 resets itself to 0H.
- power–on reset:
Power–down the unit and power–up approximately 2 s after the display has disappeared:
P–095 must then appear in the display.
- initialize
Firmware Replacement (if required)
The firmware can be replaced using the user–prompted start–up software for
main spindle– and induction motor modules, from version V2.00.
Firmware release
before FW 3.00 -> 6SN1121–0BA1_–0AA0
from FW3.00 -> 6SN1121–0BA11–0AA1
- back–up setting data (parameters)
- replace the firmware using the start–up program
- initialize with the pulses and controller inhibited
- re–load the backed–up settings
- back–up the setting data in the drive–machine data memory
Start-up of series machines, module replacement, component replacement
The drive converter setting data (parameters) can be saved on floppy disk using
the start–up software. Proceed as follows to start–up additional drive converters
(start–up of series machines):
1.Initialize with the pulses and controllers inhibited:
Enter P–095 power module code number
– Motor code number and motor encoder pulse number are saved on the floppy disk, and therefore do not have to be entered.
– Start initialization.
2. Load and save the setting data from the floppy disk.
For more info or a 1p 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA1 price you can email sales@mroelectric.com or call 1-800-691-8511.

UNI2403 Configuration and Setup

The UNI2403 and UNI2403-r configuration process is a relatively simple setup process that should be able to get you back up and running with minimal downtime.

With some simple UNI2403 11kw configuration the drive can be used as an AC Regenerative Unit, also known as a Regen Drive. In the case of a drive operating in Regen mode, the IGBT bridge is used as a sinusoidal rectifier, which converts the AC supply to a controlled DC voltage. This DC voltage can then be used to supply one or more Unidrives which control motors, commonly known as motoring drives.

A regen drive produces PWM output voltage which has a sinusoidal fundamental at an amplitude and phase which are almost the same as those of the AC supply voltage. The difference between the drive PWM line voltage and the supply voltage occurs across the Regen drive’s inductors.

There are a number of possible options available when designing a Unidrive Regen system depending on the user requirements and the nature of the AC supply. Non standard systems can be created where favourable supply conditions exist, allowing cost and space savings to be achieved by reducing the number of components.

A Unidrive can be used as a sinusoidal input current power unit to supply one or more Unidrives via their DC buses. When this mode is selected as the drive type, menu 15 appears. This menu is used to set up the Unidrive. At the same time, menu 0 defaults to showing Pr 15.01 to Pr 15.13 as Pr0.11 to Pr 0.28.

You can check out our previous blog post on the UNI2403 manual and UNI2403-r manual here with additional setup info. To get a UNI2403 price quote or for ordering info you can call 1-800-691-8511 or email sales@mroelectric.com.

6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0: Beyond the User Manual

The 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0 Sinumerik 840D/DE is a NCU 573.5 unit with 64MB of memory running at 933 MHZ. The Sinumerik 840D series provides an open, flexible, and powerful CNC system with the Sinamics S120 design for up to 93 axes. The units are decentralized, scalable, open, inter-connectable, and with a wide range of functionality which allows for use in almost every machining technology and it sets the standard in dynamics, precision, and network integration. The 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0 offers uniformity in its programming, operation, and machining cycles. With its efficiency in programming, installation and commissioning, this CNC system platform is characterized by its optimum design, innovative NC functionality, openness, and communication.

The 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0 can be perfectly customized to practically every machine and machining technology in the manufacturing industry.
The SINUMERIK 840D system platform provides comprehensive machine tool capabilities and innovative functionality for every machining technology. The CNC can be
deployed around the world in a variety of machining applications, such as milling, turning, drilling, grinding, laser-cutting, nibbling, stamping, as well as in multi-tasking machines, namely, mill-turning and turn-milling. The 6FC5357-0BB35-0AA0 is the ideal CNC for tool- and moldmaking, high-speed-cutting applications, wood and glass processing, composite machining, medical part and power generation manufacturing, and not to mention the handling in transfer lines, rotary indexing machines and shopfloor manufacturing.
For more info you can visit our product page here. To order or get price you can email sales@mroelectric.com or call 1-800-691-8511.


UNI3405: Beyond the User Manual Parameters

The UNI3405 Unidrive is part of the Classic Unidrive series. Control Techniques introduced the Unidrive Classic around 1993 in Europe and approximately 1995 in the Americas. Because the Unidrive Classic ran simple Open Loop, Closed Loop Vector, and Servo motor applications as well as offering a Regen mode, the UNI3405 found its way into a great many industrial applications, from simple to quote complex. Visit our website to checkout all of our Control Techniques products.

Due to its status as a legacy product, the UNI3405 is becoming available only in limited quantities.

The UNI3405 contains approximately 500-600 parameters that help machine manufacturers achieve the desired functionality for a certain machine requirement. Some applications may require 20-30 or more parameters to be changed from the drives factory default settings. Should drive replacement become necessary, one must have a complete and accurate list of these parameters so that the original functionality can be restored. If you do not have a list of the required parameters, one could copy down these parameters manual. This is assuming that the drive still works enough to power the display, and even then the manual copying of parameters is tedious and error prone.

For more info you can visit our product page here. You can get price and availability by emailing sales@mroelectric.com or calling 1-800-691-8511.


UD75: Beyond the User Manual

The UD75 CTnet Interface card for the Unidrive Classic series is supplied in a large option module. It is an add-on card for the UD70 applications card. The UD70 processor and operating system handles all network activity, and uses a dual-port RAM interface to transfer data between itself and the drive.

The UD70 CTnet retains full functionality, allowing the user to download normal DPL application programs. No program modifications are required to allow existing DPL programs to run. A different UD70 operating system file (“UD70NET.SYS”) is used, and the UD70 has this system file pre-loaded.

The Unidrive must be disconnected from the mains supply before installing or removing any option module, including the UD75.

Isolate the drive from the mains supply and allow 5 minute for the DC bus capacitors to discharge. Insert the large option module. Ensure that it is correctly inserted. The module will click firmly into place. To remove the module, pull on the black tab and the module will disengage from the connector and pull out of the drive.

For more info you can visit the UD75 product page here. For price and ordering info you can email sales@mroelectric.com or call 1-800-691-8511. We have these and all the other Unidrive Classic option modules in stock, along with the drives themselves.

UD75 CTnet

UNI1405 Manual Installation and Pricing

The Control Techniques UNI1405 Unidrive is a 5hp, 9.5A AC drive with a peak output of 9.6kHz. All of the Unidrives have a built-in encoder port which is ready to accept motor rotational feedback after installation. There are three option modules available to compliment or extend the range of motor speed / position feedback capabilities.  For additional info about the UNI1405 manual programming of the option modules you can check out our post about the UD73 option module here.

Each of these option modules creates a simulated encoder output as either line driven quadrature channels or as frequency / direction signals to facilitate follower applications.

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