History of the Human-Machine Interface


With the evolution of technology becoming more sophissticated stresses the importance of faster and more efficient communication. In the early days of machinery, the way humans interacted with equipment would be with pullies and levers. While this system made labor easier, it still required a lot of physical involvement and manpower. Also because workers had communicate manually, orders on each level took a while to convey. As manufacturing and industrial processes advanced, there was more progression in the way humans and machines interacted.

In a previous article, we discussed the Second Industrial Revolution which was characterized by the expansion of electricity. The modern concept of automation begins around this time. Hefty ropes, pullies, and levers eventually became surpassed by switches and buttons. No longer did a team of workers pull heavy chains to raise and lower heavy objects. The use of electricity meant that motorized pulleys and wenches could replace these tasks with a push of a button. This development also meant faster response times in between processes, therefore resulting in faster production times.

While this by far made production in factories a lot faster and more efficient. The need to be more streamlined meant factories still needed to up the game on productivity. This is where the HMI enters the story.

A Brief History

In the Beginning

Typewriters are considered the earliest examples of HMI. Source: Wikipedia

While we are hard pressed to find one today, the earliest HMI can be traced back to the typewriter. Invented in the 1860s, the device provided a tangible connection between human input and machine output. While the typewriter is considered rudimentary by today’s standards. A person able to punch keys and output the information onto paper marked a milestone in machine interfacing. However, the biggest progress for HMI technology comes about during the 20th century.

Xerox Alto. Source: Wikipedia

The 20th Century

The mid-20th century saw the rise of computers. Unlike the typewriter, these powerful machines and their interfaces evolved from punch cards to command-line interfaces. This later would progress to graphical user interfaces (GUIs). By 1965 the Royal Radar Establishment developed the first touch screen. Popularized by Xerox PARC’s Alto computer in the 1970s, the GUI allowed users to interact with computers through visual representations such as icons, windows, and menus. Ths technology saw niche use in industries like air traffic control. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that it gained widespread recognition. Two prominent examples of devices being the Hewlett-Packard HP-150 and the Atari 520ST. Touchscreens revolutionized the way users interacted with machines, providing a more intuitive and direct method of input. Another significant advancement in HMI was the introduction of voice recognition systems.

HMI in the Digital Age

Recent years have witnessed the rise of virtual and augmented reality as emerging interfaces. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have gained significant traction. VR immerses users in computer-generated environments, while AR overlays digital information onto the real world. These immersive technologies are opening up new possibilities with training and the way operators interact with equipment.

What is HMI?

In the world of industrial automation, Human-machine interface (HMI) plays a crucial role in completing tasks. It enables effective communication and interaction between humans and machines in manufacturing and industrial settings. HMIs serve as the primary interface through which operators monitor and control industrial processes. These interfaces provide real-time data visualization, alarms, and controls that allow operators to make informed decisions and respond quickly to changing conditions. They typically consist of touchscreens, graphical displays, and input devices such as keyboards or keypads. HMIs are used to manage a wide range of industrial automation systems, including robotic assembly lines, control panels, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

HMI’s like this Fanuc Teach Pendant rose to prominence throughout the 80’s. Source: FanucExpress

The use of HMIs in industrial automation has greatly enhanced productivity, efficiency, and safety in manufacturing environments. HMIs in minimize human error and help with downtime. They allow operators to visualize critical information, receive real-time alerts, and respond promptly to abnormal conditions. HMI’s provide clear and concise displays, making it easier for operators to interpret data and make informed decisions. Furthermore, HMIs implement preventive maintenance strategies by providing insights into equipment performance and condition monitoring. By integrating advanced functionalities like data analytics and predictive maintenance, HMIs contribute to proactive approaches in industrial automation.


As industry continues to evolve we already seeing the integration of VR and voice commands in HMI technology. At this point the questions is not so much about “Can we do it?” but rather how streamlined and cost efficient can they be? Only time can tell.

Industrial Automation and Sustainability

When discussed in the context of sustainability, the average person might not think of industrial automation as ‘sustainable’. After all, when we think of industrial automation our brains turn to the worst thoughts. We think of dirty machines sucking up enormous amounts of energy while being in factories outputting copious amounts of waste. However, recent decades have shown companies moving towards sustainability. Not just because of environmental issues, but also as a means to cushion the cost of manufacturing.

As the world continues prioritizing sustainable practices, industrial automation has emerged as a potential solution for reducing environmental impact. However, there are concerns about whether industrial automation in general is sustainable.

What is Sustainability?

What do we mean by “sustainability”? According to the United Nations, sustainability is defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In short, sustainable practices should not harm the environment in ways that can obstruct future generations from thriving.

Common Sustainability Concerns

One major concern is the energy consumption of automated systems. Automated machines require significant amounts of energy to operate, especially during the initial stages of setup and installation. This high energy consumption leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change. Additionally, companies design automated systems to operate at full capacity, regardless of the actual product demand. This can result in overproduction, leading to a waste of materials, energy, and resources.

Another concern is automation is the displacement of human workers. Automation usually results in job losses for human workers. This is especially true when performing repetitive and monotonous tasks. This not only affects the livelihoods of these workers but also has social implications. Extreme unemployment and income inequality can lead to social unrest and economic instability.

The Road to Sustainability

The direction of sustainability in industrial automation needs plenty of improvement. However, current trends show a shift by companies toward a sustainable goal. This includes things like reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and safety conditions for employees.

When talking about efficiency, companies using sensors and software in manufacturing processes can reduce material waste. They achieve this by accurately measuring and cutting materials to exact specifications. This reduces the amount of scrap material wasted and lowers the overall environmental impact of the manufacturing process. Additionally, automated systems can optimize production schedules and reduce downtime, resulting in less energy waste and lower carbon emissions.

When people talk about employees regarding sustainability in industrial automation. They often think of job security as the thing to fear when it comes to automation. However, when discussing sustainability, employee safety often gets left out of the conversation. Keeping healthy and uninjured employees also counts as sustainability. Automation allows machines to complete the most dangerous tasks. This reduces the risk of injury or death to workers. Companies can use automated safety systems to detect potential hazards and shut down machinery if necessary.

Regarding environmental sustainability, having more efficient manufacturing does help stave off environmental impacts. It also has more efficient logistics that can result in better sustainability. Automated vehicles can optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and lower emissions by avoiding traffic congestion and reducing idle time. This not only benefits the environment but also saves time and money for businesses. Additionally, automated warehouses can reduce the need for large, energy-intensive storage facilities. This lowers the overall environmental impact of the supply chain.

The Outlook

The general consensus seems to be that industrial automation has the potential to be a sustainable solution. Especially if implemented responsibly and with consideration for the broader social and environmental implications. While there certainly exist concerns that need addressing. The overall evidence suggests that automation may be a key tool when pursuing long-term sustainability.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has become the standard labeling of our society reaching the fourth industrial revolution. Previous revolutions have been marked by game-changing inventions that have significantly impacted our way of life. The first was the steam engine. The second is mass production via electrical power. The third is the use of electronics and network infrastructure otherwise known as the ‘digital age’. Now we approach the fourth industrial revolution, one highlighted by the boom of computer technology.

The Predecessors

First Industrial Revolution

The first industrial revolution landed between the years 1760 and 1840. Its mainly characterized by the innovation of steam/water powered. Other significant milestones also include the growth of textile and iron production. As well as innovations in agriculture and mining. The first industrial revolution also saw a boom in middle-class growth.

Second Industrial Revolution

The second Industrial Revolution has at times been called the “technological revolution” which took place between 1871 and 1914. While by today’s standards, the technological leap may not seem that significant, for that time society saw these advancements as nothing less than groundbreaking. The biggest innovations to come from that era included the railroad and telegraph lines. These innovations widely improved people’s ability to not only have mainstream access across the continent but also to share ideas a lot faster.

Probably the most revolutionary advancement around this time was the streamlining of electricity. With this innovation, electricity could be in not only in homes but also to better run machines in factories. Pushing them to develop the modern production line that we know today.

Third Industrial Revolution

The third industrial revolution is marked towards the end of the 20th century. Advancements in things like Boolean logic and computer language code were huge game changers in setting up the way computers and machines communicate with one another. Speaking of communication, one innovation that really took off during this time and has had a massive effect on multip generations is the internet.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Building off of the third industrial revolution, the fourth industrial revolution takes digitalization to a whole new level. Many of the technological advancements during this time have roots in communication and being able to access data faster and more widely. While the third revolution brought forth the internet, the fourth revolution focused on making it faster with things like broadband. This compounded with the need to make it more mobile brought forth 3G, 4G, and 5G technology as well as devices that can use them.

Industrial Automation and Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 isn’t just a phenomenon impacting the tech sector. Innovations regarding industrial automation can be found here as well. One of the main effects of Industry 4.0 on industrial automation is the emergence of smart factories. Smart factories utilize advanced technologies such as robotics, and machine learning, to make more efficient manufacturing processes. One Deloitte report found that smart factories can improve productivity by up to 20%, reduce maintenance costs by up to 30%, and reduce energy consumption by up to 20%. This is made possible by the integration of real-time data analytics, which allows for predictive maintenance, intelligent quality control, and optimized production planning.

Another impact of Industry 4.0 on industrial automation is the increased use of collaborative robots, also known as cobots. Unlike traditional industrial robots, which are typically isolated from human workers, cobots can work alongside humans in a shared workspace. They are designed to be safe, easy to program, and flexible, which makes them ideal for small-batch and custom manufacturing. Cobots can also be easily reconfigured to perform different tasks, which enables manufacturers to quickly adapt to changing market demands.


From its beginnings in simple textile manufacturing to its evolution to digital information, industrialization continues to move the gears of globalization while leaving a huge impact on culture and economics. Industry 4.0 continues to move the needle of automizing and producing goods that are not only more efficient to make, but cost-effetive too. As we progress with more advancements in digitalization we very well could be seeing Industry 5.0 centered around AI, but that has yet to be seen.

Low-Code and the Future of PLC Programming

Low-code programming is an emerging trend promising to revolutionize software applications’ development and deployment. Utilizing visual modeling tools and pre-built components, low-code programming helps developers create and customize applications quickly and easily, without the need for extensive coding skills. Not only is it shaking up the world of software development, but it is making big splashes in the world of industrial automation. This is especially so when we talk about PLCs.

The Current Language of PLC

In another blog, we covered ladder logic. This is the primary coding language that PLCs use to function and perform tasks. Ladder logic is based on an older coding language known as C. Traditionally, coding in languages like C requires a mix of prompts formatted in very specific ways. This requires a well-versed coder programming the PLCs. The other challenge is not only that a person has to know the coding language, but also just be able to visualize how it all works together. Lines of code don’t always get along with each other. This sometimes results in an unexpected outcome not seen in the initial programming. This generally gets referred to as a “bug”. A good programmer must be one that can recognize, isolate, and debug what is causing these issues.

What is Low-Code Programming?

Low code is defined as a software development approach that requires little to no coding to build applications and processes. Instead of complex programming languages, it utilizes visual interfaces with basic logic and drag-and-drop capabilities in a development platform. This quick and simple alternative to conventional software development continues to grow in popularity.

Video explaining Low-Code

Applying Low Code to PLC

While the trend of low code exists predominantly in the field of programming and development. It is also a concept being adapted to the field of industrial automation. More specifically, PLCs can adapt the low code model as traditionally they operate on a basic programming language.

The Advantages of Low-Code

There are several advantages to systems using a low-code environment. These advantages include faster times, better productivity, increased flexibility, and reduced costs.

With faster times, developers create applications much faster than traditional coding methods. They use pre-built components and visual modeling tools, to assemble and customize applications without the need for extensive coding.

Faster Times – Low coding allows PLC programmers to input programs much faster and not restricted by traditional coding methods.

Better Productivity – With less effort and time required than traditional programming, facilities can operate faster and more efficiently. An engineer can program a PLC much easier.

Increased flexibility – PLC programmers can quickly debug/modify the program of a PLC a lot easier than finding lines of code and rewriting them when the situation changes.

Low Cost – Low code programming will in the long run be less expensive, as unlike traditional programming, the PLC programmer does not need to have extensive knowledge of coding.

Future Outlook

Ultimately, the outlook for low code’s place in the world of industrial automation appears more prominent than ever. While there are concerns about how it will impact the future labor force. At its core low code serves as another example of automation making a specialized position obsolete. In the end, Low code’s multifaceted advantages of being flexible, quick, and cost-effective make it very appealing to companies across the industry, meaning that (for the time being at least) it’s here to stay.

Common PLC Issues

Common PLC Issues (and how they can be avoided)

PLCs have been crucial for the advancement of industrial automation. Their ability to increase functionality at decreased cost makes them widely used across automated systems. Not only do they have the ability. PLCs are able to give both simple and complex instructions to a variety of systems.

Like any other machine, PLCs are also prone to breaking and having their own issues. An entire PLC cabinet full of devices, blinking lights, and wires can seem intimidating. However, sometimes the issue might be one that can be resolved simply and easily. So before you call a technician to come service your system, here are a few simple troubleshooting you can do that could save your company some time (and money).

Input/Output(I/O) Failure

This is probably the most common failure that affects PLCs. This is usually due to the relationship between the internal and external situations not establishing a connection. This generally gets fixed by finding out what relationship is not being established and isolating the issue.

Signal Interference

This occurs when there is either electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI). EMI occurs when a PLC is very close to a large motor or any device that creates an electromagnetic field. Lightning striking a device can also cause an EMI issue. ERFI happens when a PLC is next to a transmitting device for a prolonged period of time. Both of these interference will over time degrade the functionality of a PLC. The best thing to do is to position your PLC somewhere far apart from anywhere that can cause either EMI or RFI. If that is not possible, there are also options for protective housings for your PLC.

Memory Corruption

Corrupt memory issues often occur from interference. They also commonly happen when power to the PLC suddenly gets cut off and not properly rebooted. A popular precautionary measure often taken is simpling backing up data to a storage device. A good preventative measure is to not only keep PLCs away from areas of interference but also places with high temperature and humidity.

Power Loss

In industrial automation, machines rely on consistent power to operate. In the event of a sudden power outage (power grid failure, rolling blackouts, etc) it’s generally a good idea to have an alternate or backup power source to rectify the situation should power failure occur.


A paramount function for PLCs is their ability to communicate with not only one another but also with other equipment like HMIs and drives. Usually, these devices all communicate via Ethernet cable because of their speed and reliability. Ensuring that wires rest properly connected and away from any obstruction or positioned anywhere that might cause them to crimp or get cut, can help prevent a communication error.


In a perfect world, machines run flawlessly 24/7 with no maintenance required. However, in reality, the inevitability of even the most well-kept facility system failing at some point is unavoidable. That being said, following the steps above can help mitigate the wear and tear of your PLC system and get the most life out of them.

A Crash Course on Spindle Motor Fundamentals

The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) spindle motor has been a crucial tool in the world of industrial automation. Its creation has revolutionized the way industrialization functions and has led to increased quality control and productivity overall. The impact of this revolutionary tool in industrial automation is a game changer. With a spindle motor, production can be faster, more efficient, and lower in cost.

The History of CNC

The development of the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) spindle motor is closely linked to the history of CNC technology itself. The first CNC machines were developed in the 1940s and 1950s for the aerospace industry. In the early days of CNC, spindle motors were typically DC motors with brushes. These had limited speed control and were prone to wear and tear. However, as technology advanced, new spindle motors became developed. This included AC motors and brushless DC motors, which offered higher efficiency, greater reliability, and improved speed control. Today, spindle motors are an essential component of CNC machines, driving the tool and controlling the cutting process to achieve high levels of precision and efficiency.

During the 1970s, the development of the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) spindle motor was still in its early stages. According to an article by CNC Masters, spindle motors of the time were typically DC motors with brushes, which offered limited speed control and were prone to wear and tear. Despite these limitations, the introduction of CNC technology represented a significant advance in the machining industry, allowing for greater precision and efficiency. As CNC machines became more widely adopted, the demand for improved spindle motors grew, leading to the development of new types of motors that offered higher efficiency, greater reliability, and improved speed control. Today, spindle motors are a critical component of CNC machines and have come a long way since the early days of the

CNC Advantages

The advantages of CNC spindle motors make them an essential component in modern CNC machines, helping to improve accuracy, productivity, and efficiency in manufacturing operations.

  1. Precision: CNC spindle motors provide high levels of accuracy and precision in machining operations. Lower vibrations also factor into increased accuracy. Fewer vibrations on the bearings and rotor make for a more accurate CNC.
  2. Power: CNC spindle motors can generate high torque. This enables them to handle tough materials and make deep cuts. This is especially important in heavy-duty machining applications, where a lot of material needs quick and efficient removal.
  3. Reliability: Built for durability, CNC spindle motors can withstand the rigors of industrial use. Constructed using high-quality materials, they can operate under high loads and high temperatures.
  4. Low Maintenance: CNC spindle motors are designed with minimal need for lubrication or adjustment. This helps to reduce downtime and maintenance costs, allowing manufacturers to increase productivity and efficiency.
  5. Versatility: CNC spindle motors are available in various sizes and power ratings, making them versatile and suitable for a wide range of machining applications. They can be used with various cutting tools, including drills, end mills, and routers, making them suitable for cutting a range of materials, from metals to plastics.

Spindle Motor Types

CNC Spindle Motors are generally broken down into two types: AC Induction and DC Brushless motors.

With AC induction motors, alternating current generates a magnetic field in the stator windings. This magnetic field then interacts with the rotor and creates torque in the motor drive. AC induction motors tend to be more robust and built tough to meet the demands of industrial applications.

In contrast to AC motors, DC brushless motors use direct current to generate a similar magnetic field in the stator windings. However, a DC motor contains magnets on the rotor that moves to create torque. The advantage of this design is that no friction is being created in the process thereby avoiding a lot of the wear and tear caused by heat and friction. This results in a reliable and long-lasting motor.

An example of a DC Brushed, DC Brushless, and AC Motor construction.


As population and demand increase, the need for CNC will continue to increase with it. Over the years this manufacturing tool has proven its value through its speed, reliability, productivity, and efficiency. This trend will likely be the case for years on end.

The Future of Ladder Logic

Ladder Logic diagram example by “The Engineering Projects”

What is Ladder Logic?

Ladder Logic is a programming language used in industrial automation and control systems. They specifically are used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). These specialized computers control industrial machinery and processes.

The History

Richard E. Morley is credited for being the inventor of ladder logic. Morely invented the first Programmable Logic Controller in 1968. Morley’s invention was a significant innovation in industrial control systems, and it paved the way for the development of ladder logic. In the early days of ladder logic, programming involved hand-drawn diagrams on paper. These papers got fed into machines that converted the diagrams into machine code. Over time, ladder logic evolved to include more advanced programming functions.

As a Language

The fundamental building blocks of Ladder Logic are inputs, outputs, and logic gates. Inputs refer to the signals received from sensors or other devices. Outputs refer to the signals sent to actuators or other devices. Logic gates are the basic building blocks of digital circuits and perform logical operations on the inputs to produce the desired output.

Examples of “coils” and “gates”

The diagrams in Ladder Logic consist of horizontal “rungs” that represent the logical operations performed on the inputs, and vertical “rails” that represent the power supply and ground. The rungs stay connected by “contacts” and “coils”. Contacts represent the inputs while coils represent the outputs. Various symbols represent the logic gates. Some examples of these symbols are AND gates, OR gates, and NOT gates. These gates perform logical operations on the inputs.

Ladder Logic’s Advantage

One of the advantages of Ladder Logic is its simplicity and ease of use. The graphical representation of the program makes it easy to understand and maintain. Those with little or no programming experience can quickly learn it. This leads to significant time and cost savings for industrial automation and control systems. Additionally, the standardized symbols and syntax make it easy to share programs between different PLCs and programming software, further reducing development time and costs.

Another advantage of Ladder Logic is its ability to handle complex control functions. Ladder Logic includes advanced programming functions such as timers, counters, and math functions, allowing it to handle complex control functions in industrial processes. This flexibility makes it a powerful programming language for industrial automation and control systems. This is due to customizability to suit specific control requirements.

The Future of Ladder Logic

Ladder Logic is in the development of smarter and more sophisticated industrial control systems. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 are driving the development of intelligent factories and industrial processes. Ladder Logic can handle the advanced programming functions required for these systems. For example, Ladder Logic can be implemented into program predictive maintenance systems. This system uses sensors and data analysis to predict when equipment will fail and schedule maintenance accordingly.

Another potential future use of Ladder Logic is in the development of more energy-efficient industrial control systems. As sustainability and energy efficiency become increasingly important, Ladder Logic can be used in program systems that optimize energy usage and reduce waste. It can control HVAC systems, lighting systems, and other building automation systems to reduce energy usage and improve efficiency.

The future of ladder logic has been a topic of debate for quite some time. While some are optimistic about it still having a place in the industry, there are others who think that it will eventually go in the way of languages already forgotten. Ladder logic’s story is one that started a long time ago and is continuing to unfold.