The Basics of Servo Amplifiers

When thinking about automation, we imaigne massive warehouses housing automation lines that have conveyer belts snaking every which way.  Large robotic arms constantly move back and forth as they commit to the same repeated task over and over again.  You probably imagine sparks flying in the air as robotic arms weld parts to march larger machine bodies. The sight of a manufacturing facility may overstimulate the senses. The flashes of light, the sound humming and grinding, and the smell of various mechanical fluids in the air.  With so much stimulation, it’s understandable as to why people overlook the comparatively small but very crucial amplifier.  After all these small devices sit tucked away hidden from sight. Nonnetheless they perform the very important function of orchestrating tasks to other units with extreme precision. 

Read more: The Basics of Servo Amplifiers

The History of Servo Amplifiers

The history of servo amplifiers dates back to the 1920s where their original exploration largely targeted aviation and military applications.  During the bulk years of WWII during the 1940s, early servo mechanisms saw their use controlling gun turretts and radar.  Notice how I said “”servo mechanisms,” that’s because these weren’t quite the servo amplifiers that we are familiar with today. Instead they required hydraulic and manual action.  The end of the 40s and into the 1950s saw the development of the first electronic servo amplifier. The servo amplifier stood as a vast improvement compared to its predecessor, in regards to precision and reliability. 

The 1960s and 70s brought the invention of the semiconductor and with that the next evolutionary step for servo amplifiers.  In 1969 the company, Modcon, built the first Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Not only did the PLC revolutionize the automation industry but it also paved the way for more sophisticated control systems. By the 1980s, the integrating of digital signal processing (DSP) furthered the capabilities of servo amplifiers. By the 1990s, servo amplifier connectivity and communication made it an irreplaceable asset to industries across the globe.

How Do Servo Amplifiers Work

At the core of its functionality, the servo amplifier is a feedback device.This system relies on sensors, typically encoders or resolvers, to provide real-time data on the motor’s performance. The feedback loop continuously compares the actual position, speed, and torque of the motor with the commanded values from the control system.The servo amplfifier corrects any discrepencies by adjusting the power output accordingly. This closed-loop system ensures high precision and responsiveness, enabling complex and delicate tasks to be performed with ease.

Servo amplifiers come in various types, each suited to specific applications. Analog servo amplifiers, for example, control motor operations using continuous signals. Digital servo amplifiers, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility and precision by utilizing digital signals and advanced algorithms. These digital models often feature programmable settings, allowing for customization to meet the specific requirements of different tasks. Additionally, hybrid servo amplifiers combine elements of both analog and digital systems, providing a balance of performance and versatility.

The applications of servo amplifiers are vast and varied. In industrial automation, servo amplifiers control robotic arms, conveyor belts, and CNC machines, where precision and repeatability are essential. In the aerospace industry, servo amplifiers are critical for controlling the movements of aircraft components, such as flaps and landing gear. Servo amplifiers also find use in the medical field, where they enable the precise operation of surgical robots and diagnostic equipment. The ability to provide exact control over motor functions makes servo amplifiers indispensable in any field requiring high-precision motion control.


In summary, servo amplifiers are crucial devices in the realm of motion control, offering unparalleled precision and reliability. By continuously adjusting power based on feedback from sensors, they ensure motors operate efficiently and accurately. The variety of servo amplifier types allows for their use in a wide range of applications. This ranges from industrial automation to aerospace and medical technology. As technology advances, the role of servo amplifiers is expected to grow. Further enhancing their importance in achieving precise and efficient motor control.

Have a Broken Servo Amplifier?

A brief guide for common Fanuc servo amplifier alarm codes can be found here. For any inquiries regarding repair or replacement, our team is available by phone: (800) 691-8511 or by email:

Industries that See the Most Use of Servo Amplifiers

Servo amplifiers like these made by Fanuc, are used across diffferent industries.
Read more: Industries that See the Most Use of Servo Amplifiers

Manufacturing and Automation


Multiple aspects of the car industry utilize servo amplifiers.  Aside from the manufacturing process, servo amplifiers see use in car washing machines, on equipment that perform car maintenance, and even car vending machines!

Medical Devices

Servo amplifiers have their place in the medical field as well.  They allow precise imaging control in CT, MRI, and XRay machines.  Additionally, the precision of servo amplifiers has found use in robotic surgery.


Probably not as prominently thought of when discussing the applications of servo amplifiers, but an array of machinery see their applications across the industry.  Package filling machines utilize servo amplifiers for precisely distributing packing foam.  Servo amplifiers see their use in label printing and application machines. For bulkier packaging equipment, the use of servo amplifiers in pallet wrapping and lifting plays a vital role in keeping employees safe while efficiently working.

Renewable Energy

The environmental impact of automation has always come under scrutiny from opponents of industrialization as well as those concerned with climate and environmental issues. The question of sustainable energy exists as the primary topic of debate within the broader environmental discussion.  Servo amplifiers have found a niche place in the renewable energies sector.  Wind turbines use then for controlling pitch and yaw allowing for optimal energy capturing.  Additionally,servo amplifiers find use in solar panels tracking the position of the sun with precise accuracy.  

Food and Beverage

Servo amplifiers play a big role in the production of some of our favorite snacks and drinks.  Sensors allow for precise measurements of distribution to each package.  Not only that but they also dictate temperature and time ensuring that we get the most enjoyment ouf of the foods we enjoy.  Additionally, these servo amplifiers manage the sealing and labeling of food packages.


Multiple industries use servo amplifiers for task that crucially need precision, efficiency, and automation. Their ability to provide accurate control of motors and actuators makes them indispensable in modern industrial applications. As technology continues to advance, the use of servo amplifiers is likely to expand into new and emerging fields, further enhancing productivity and precision.

Broken Servo Amplifier?

Have a servo amplifier in need of repair or replacement? Give our team of certified professionals a call at: (800) 691-8511, or send us an email at:

How to Extend the Life of a Servo Motor

Servo motors exist as a crucial component in industrial automation.  Without them the entire industry sits at a literal standstill. For this reason engineers design modern servo motors with durability and longevity in mind.  That being said, the demands of the industry vary and longevity as a concept is only relative to what is being demanded.  Maintenance and environmental factors also play a role in the life span of a servo motor.

Read more: How to Extend the Life of a Servo Motor

Here are some common faults with server motors as well as a few suggestions on maintaining and extending the life of your servo motor.

Common Faults

  • Contamination: Dust, dirt, or moisture getting inside the motor can damage components and hinder performance.1
  • Overheating: This is a major concern and can be caused by mechanical issues (binding, overloading) or electrical problems (excessive current, failing components).
  • Bearing Failure: Worn bearings due to age, lack of lubrication, or contamination can lead to noisy operation and eventually complete motor failure.
  • Winding and Cable Faults: Internal shorts or damage to the windings or control cables can disrupt motor function.

Ways to Extend the Life of Your Servo Motor

  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular cleaning, inspection, and lubrication (if applicable) can catch problems early and keep your servo motor running smoothly.
  • Reduce Load and Strain: Don’t overload the servo motor beyond its capacity. If possible, use a servo motor with a higher torque rating than the minimum required for your application.
  • Manage Temperature: Ensure proper ventilation around the servo motor to prevent overheating. You might need to adjust operation cycles or add cooling fans in high-stress environments.
  • Limit Travel Extremes: Avoid constantly running the servo motor to its full range of motion. This can put extra stress on the gears and motor windings.
  • Use Shock Absorbers: If the servo motor deals with impacts at the end of its travel, consider adding shock absorbers to absorb impact and reduce stress.
  • Choose the Right Servo: Select a servo motor with specifications that match your project’s needs. Consider factors like torque, speed, and operating voltage.
  • Proper Power Supply: Ensure a steady and appropriate voltage supply to the servo motor. Fluctuations can damage internal components.

While the majority of servo motors are designed to withstand a lot of punishment put out by the demands of production they still retain a lifespan. This lifespan varies based on a myriad of factors from environmental to basic maintenance. The importance of regular maintenance and preventative care to servo motors will not only extend the lifespan of their service, but also save a company a lot of money in the long run.

Have a Broken Server Motor?

MRO Electric offers services for repairs and part replacement. A customer representative can be reached by phone: (800) 691-8511.

A Guide to FANUC Servo Amplifier Alarm Codes


FANUC Servo Amplifier

Understanding FANUC servo amplifier alarm codes is crucial for maintaining peak performance in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. These alarm codes serve as warning signals, indicating potential issues within the servo amplifier system. Ignoring or misinterpreting these alarms can lead to costly downtime, decreased productivity, and even damage to the machinery.

By comprehensively understanding these alarm codes and their associated troubleshooting measures, machine operators and maintenance personnel can swiftly address issues. This minimizes disruptions to production schedules and ensuring the longevity of the equipment.

Read more: A Guide to FANUC Servo Amplifier Alarm Codes

Understanding FANUC Servo Amplifiers

FANUC servo amplifiers are integral components of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. These amplifiers are responsible for controlling the movement of servo motors, which are pivotal in driving the various axes of motion within the CNC system.

Servo amplifiers receive signals from the CNC controller and translate them into precise voltage and current outputs to drive the servo motors accurately. This precise control is essential for achieving the exact positioning, speed, and torque required for machining operations.

The significance of FANUC servo amplifiers lies in their ability to translate digital commands into precise mechanical motion, ensuring the repeatability and accuracy demanded by modern manufacturing processes. Servo amplifiers play a critical role in achieving optimal performance in CNC operations. That includes producing complex parts with tight tolerances or executing high-speed machining tasks.

Understanding the function and operation of FANUC servo amplifiers is fundamental for CNC machine operators and maintenance personnel. It allows them to troubleshoot issues effectively, optimize performance, and maintain the reliability and precision of the machinery throughout its operational life.

Troubleshooting FANUC Servo Amplifier Alarms

When troubleshooting FANUC servo amplifier alarms, it’s essential to follow a systematic safety procedures to identify and resolve issues effectively. Here are some basic tips to consider:

Prepping to Troubleshoot

  1. Safety First: Before starting any troubleshooting procedures, ensure the CNC machine remains powered off and safely isolated from the power source. Furthermore, follow all recommended safety procedures. This includes using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with electrical components.
  2. Refer to Documentation: Consult the FANUC servo amplifier manual or documentation provided by the manufacturer for specific alarm code definitions, troubleshooting steps, and safety precautions. Familiarize yourself with the layout and components of the servo amplifier system.

Checking Equipment

  1. Check Connections: Inspect all electrical connections, including power cables, signal cables, and feedback cables, for any signs of damage, looseness, or corrosion. Ensure that connections are secure and properly seated.
  2. Review Alarm Codes: Take note of the specific alarm code displayed on the CNC machine’s control panel or diagnostic interface. Cross-reference the code with the manufacturer’s documentation to determine the potential cause of the alarm.
  3. Inspect Servo Motors: Check the servo motors for any mechanical issues such as binding, excessive wear, or damage to the shafts, couplings, or encoders. Next, check the motors for proper lubrication and potential debris.
  4. Test Power Supply: Verify that the power supply to the servo amplifier remains stable and within the specified voltage range. Use a multimeter or other appropriate testing equipment to measure voltage levels and identify any fluctuations or abnormalities.
  5. Reset Alarms: In some cases, resetting the alarm may temporarily clear the fault condition and allow the machine to resume normal operation. Make sure to do this after identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the alarm.


  1. Document Findings: Keep detailed records of the troubleshooting process, including observations, measurements, and actions taken. This information may prove valuable for future reference and for communicating with professional technicians if needed.
  2. Know When to Seek Help: If you encounter alarm codes or issues that you are unable to resolve , it’s important to seek assistance from qualified professionals or FANUC-certified technicians. Moreover, attempting complex repairs without the necessary expertise can lead to further damage or safety hazards.

Encountering an Issue with Your FANUC Servo Amplifier?

Get expert assistance now, to minimize downtime and keep your operations running smoothly. MRO offers a wide range of repair services and replacement parts.

Common FANUC Servo Amplifier Alarm Codes

0 PLEASE TURN OFF POWERA parameter which requires the power off was input, turn off power.
1 TH PARITY ALARMH alarm (A character with incorrect parity was input). Correct the tape.
2 TV PARITY ALARMTV alarm (The number of characters in a block is odd). This alarm will be generated only when the TV check is effective.
3 TOO MANY DIGITSData exceeding the maximum allowable number of digits was input. (Refer to the item of max. programmable dimensions.)
A numeral or the sign “ – ” was input without an address at the beginning of a block. Modify the program.
5 NO DATA AFTER ADDRESSThe address was not followed by the appropriate data but was followed by another address or EOB code. Modify the program.
6 ILLEGAL USE OF NEGATIVE SIGNSign “ – ” input error (Sign “ – ” was input after an address with which it cannot be used. Or two or more “ – ” signs were input.) Modify the program.
7 ILLEGAL USE OF DECIMAL POINTDecimal point “.” input error (A decimal point was input after an address with which it can not be used. Or two decimal points were input.) Modify the program.
Unusable character was input in significant area. Modify the program.

Raspberry Pi in Industrial Automation

For quite a while now, the tech world has been smitten with the Raspberry Pi.  Since it came on the scene in 2012, it’s evolution and innovation has remained widely successful when it comes to the automation of tasks.  From emulating video games, to automating private homes, to even hacking various electronics, the Raspberry Pi proves itself a dominating force in automation.  So of course the next natural step is integrating it in the industrial automation sector.

Of course there exists questions regarding implementing Raspberry Pi into automation.  “How would it be used?” “Why would anyone use it?” “What advantages does it have?” In this article we  will explore the capabilities of the tiny but mighty process board and what about it and its potential in the industrial sector.

Read more: Raspberry Pi in Industrial Automation

Raspberry Pi: A Brief Introduction

If you’re in the tech sector for whatever reason, be it profession or hobby, chances are you have encountered the Raspberry Pi at some point.  At the very least you may have heard of it.  For those who don’t know, the Raspberry Pi is commonly designated as a SBC or Single-Board Computer.  Honestly, this characterization is pretty accurate.  The main computer component of the Pi is the size of a credit card, with the enclosure, you’re looking at a device that is about the size of a pack of cigarettes.

So a small pocket-sized  computer is cool, but what does it do?  Well, surprisingly a lot of things!  Hobbyists use the Pi when working with things such as robotics. Instructors find Pi as an easy way to teach programming languages to students. For the longest time Pi has gained prominence amongst private consumers and institutions. 

However, most recently, Pi has proven itself very useful in the industrial sector as well.

The Beginning of Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi’s origins traces back to Cambridge University during the early 2000’s.  A group of engineers headed by Eben Upton sought ways to rekindle interests in programming among a younger generation.  Today, sites like CodeMonkey, have enough demand from children as young as five years old wanting to get into programming.  However, in the early 2000’s programming remained a niche interest that required sophisticated knowledge of computational language to do.   It existed as a far cry from the more streamlined process that we see today.

In 2006 Upton and his team set out to design a small computer no bigger than a credit card, that was widely programmable, affordable, and adaptable in running various programs. Their work finally came to fruition in 2012 with the release of the Raspberry Pi Model B.  Features on this tiny triumph included both USB and HDMI ports.  It also sported a SD card slot for storage capabilities.  Best of all it was all packaged at a price point of $35.  This made it an overnight hit with professionals, educators, and hobbyists alike. 

Integrating Raspberry Pi Into Industrial Automation

So how did this unassuming little single-board computer get the attention of the automation industry?  For starters, it’s a very affordable platform that can complete a multitude of tasks. Additionally the small size of Pi also lends to them being energy efficient.  In the industrial sector, Pi boards can be integrated into sensors and used in server units.  They can be used to help manage and control PLCs. Some independent developers have coded apps that allow a Pi board to be used as a PLC.

Arguably, the largest advantage Pi has in the industry is that it exists as a platform that is not tied to any one manufacturer and can be integrated with a wide variety of equipment. You don’t have to worry about whether it’s compatible with Schneider or Yaskawa.

A Raspberry Pi SCB sits on top of a PLC.

Interested in PLCs

MRO Electric has a number of PLCs in stock available. Access the catalog here. For more information a sales representative can be reached through email: or by phone: (800) 691-8511. We also offer repair services.

The Role of Contactors

In industrial automation, the significance role contactors play gets overlooked. These unassuming yet pivotal components orchestrate the machinery and processes within manufacturing worldwide. From controlling motors to managing power distribution, contactors play a fundamental role in ensuring seamless operations across various industrial sectors.

Read more: The Role of Contactors

What is a Contactor?

At its core, a contactor exists as an electromechanical switch designed to control an electrical circuit. Unlike conventional switches, which operate manually, contactors primarily become utilized in scenarios where automated control is essential. They consist of a coil, which when energized, generates a magnetic field. This field attracts a movable armature, causing electrical contacts to close or open.

Contactor Applications in Industrial Automation

  1.  Motor Control: Contactors find extensive use in motor control applications. In industrial settings, contactors serve as the gateway for starting, stopping, and reversing motor operations. By effectively managing the flow of electrical power, contactors ensure smooth and precise control over motor functions. This contributes to enhanced productivity and safety.
  2. Power Distribution: Efficient power distribution is critical for maintaining operational integrity within industrial facilities. Contactors facilitate this by enabling the selective routing of electrical power to different equipment and processes. Acting as switches for high-power circuits, contactors ensure power being directed only where and when needed. This optimizes energy utilization and minimizing wastage.
  3. Heating and Lighting Control: Contactors also play a vital role in managing heating and lighting systems within industrial environments. They regulate the supply of electricity to heaters, lighting fixtures, and other auxiliary devices. Ultimately, contactors contribute to creating optimal working conditions while simultaneously conserving energy and reducing operational costs.

Advantages of Contactors in Automation

  1. Reliability: Companies build contactors to withstand the rigors of industrial environments, ensuring dependable performance even under challenging conditions.
  2. Scalability: Whether controlling a single motor or orchestrating complex automation networks, contactors offer scalability, making them suitable for diverse industrial applications.
  3. Safety: With features such as overload protection and arc suppression, contactors enhance operational safety by mitigating the risk of electrical faults and hazards.
  4. Remote Control: Advanced contactor systems are integrable into broader automation frameworks, allowing for remote monitoring and control of industrial processes. This greatly improves operational efficiency and responsiveness.

Challenges and Innovations

While contactors have long been integral to industrial automation, ongoing advancements in technology continue to shape their evolution. Miniaturization, enhanced efficiency, and integration with digital control systems are just some of the areas witnessing innovation within the realm of contactor functionality. Moreover, the advent of predictive maintenance techniques empowered by artificial intelligence promises to further optimize the reliability and performance of contactor systems, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

In Need of Contactors?

.MRO Electric offers a variety of contactors well-suited for your automation needs. For more information on contactors send an email to or call (800) 691-8511. Read more information on components of industrial automation equipment, here.


 From motor control to power distribution, their versatility and reliability make them indispensable assets across a spectrum of industrial applications. As technology marches forward, the evolution of contactors continues, poised to further elevate the efficiency, safety, and scalability of automated systems in the years to come.

Components of a PLC

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) play a crucial role in controlling and monitoring various processes. PLCs are versatile devices designed to automate electromechanical processes, replacing traditional relay-based control systems. Understanding the key components of a PLC is essential for engineers and technicians working in automation. Generally, four main components that make up a PLC.

Read more: Components of a PLC

What is a PLC

In the past we’ve covered PLC’s and what they are, as well has how they function.  The basic run down of a PLC is that it  is a specialized industrial computing device designed to control and automate various processes within manufacturing and industrial environments. It serves as the brain of an automated system, executing programmed instructions to manage machinery, production lines, and other electromechanical processes. PLCs offer flexibility and versatility, enabling engineers and technicians to modify and adapt control logic easily without the need for extensive rewiring or hardware changes.

At the core of a PLC is its Central Processing Unit (CPU), responsible for executing control programs stored in memory. The CPU reads and interprets the instructions, making decisions based on the programmed logic. It then sends signals to output devices such as motors, valves, and sensors. Input modules gather data from the field through various sensors and switches, converting analog or digital signals into a format that the PLC can comprehend. Conversely, output modules translate the processed information from the CPU into signals that control the physical components of the automated system.

The Four Components

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

At the heart of every PLC is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). This component is the brain of the PLC, responsible for executing control programs and processing inputs and outputs. The CPU reads the program from memory, interprets the instructions, and sends signals to the output devices based on the program’s logic. Modern PLCs come with powerful CPUs capable of handling complex control tasks and communication with other devices on the industrial network.

Input Modules

Input modules are responsible for interfacing the PLC with the external world by collecting data from various sensors and switches. These modules convert analog or digital signals from field devices into a format that the PLC can understand. Digital input modules handle binary signals (on/off). In contrast, analog input modules process continuous signals such as voltage or current. Input modules are crucial for monitoring the state of the controlled system and providing real-time feedback to the PLC’s CPU.

Output Modules

Output modules facilitate communication between the PLC and the external devices such as motors, valves, or actuators. These modules convert signals from the CPU into a form that can control the physical processes in the industrial environment. Just like input modules, there are digital output modules for binary control and analog output modules for continuous control. The accuracy and reliability of output modules are vital for ensuring that the controlled system responds appropriately to the PLC’s commands.


PLCs have two types of memory: RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory). RAM is used for storing the control program and data temporarily while the PLC is powered on. ROM contains the firmware and the operating system that are essential for the PLC’s functionality. The memory capacity of a PLC varies, and it is crucial to choose a PLC with sufficient memory to accommodate the complexity of the control program and the amount of data processing required.


Programmable Logic Controllers have revolutionized industrial automation, providing a robust and flexible solution for controlling and monitoring complex processes. Understanding the four main components of a PLC – CPU, Input Modules, Output Modules, and Memory – is fundamental for anyone working in the field of industrial automation. As technology advances, PLCs continue to evolve, incorporating new features and capabilities. Furthermore PLCs enhance their role in modern manufacturing and industrial processes.