
A06B-6117-H211 Alarm Code Troubleshooting

List of A06B-6117-H211 Alarm codes that should help you with troubleshooting. If you do decide you need more help or want to replace your unit, give us a call at 800-691-8511 or email You can also visit our product page for the A06b-6117-H211 for more info, or check out all of our FANUC motors and drives.
Alarm Code 1
(1)Meaning Inverter: internal cooling fan stopped
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check whether there is any foreign material in the fan.
(b)Check that the fan connector is attached correctly.
(c)Replace the fan.
(d)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code 2
(1)Meaning Inverter: control power supply under voltage
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check the three-phase input voltage of the amplifier (the voltage shall not be lower than 85% of the rated input voltage).
(b)Check the 24 V power supply voltage output from the PSM (the voltage shall normally not lower than 22.8 V).
(c)Check the connector and cable (CXA2A/B).
(d)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code 5
(1)Meaning Inverter: DC
link under voltage
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a) Check that the screws for the DC link connection cable (bar) are tight.
(b)If a DC link low voltage alarm condition occurs in more than one module, see Subsection 3.1.4, “Alarm code 4” for explanations about how to troubleshoot the power supply module.
(c)If a DC link low voltage alarm condition occurs in only one SVM, replace that SVM.
Alarm Code 6
(1)Meaning Inverter: overheat
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check that the motor is being used at or below its continuous rating.
(b)Check that the cooling capacity of the cabinet is sufficient (inspect the fans and filters).
(c)Check that the ambient temperature is not too high.
(d)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code F
(1)Meaning Inverter: cooling
fan stopped of the radiator
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check whether there is any foreign material in the fan.
(b)Check that the fan connector is attached correctly.
(c)Replace the fan.
(d)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code P
(1)Meaning Communication error between amplifier and module
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check the connector and cable (CXA2A/B).
(b)Replace the control printed-circuit board.
(c)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code 8
(1)Meaning Inverter: DClink current alarm
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Disconnect the motor power leads from the SVM, and release the SVM from an emergency stop condition.
<1>If no abnormal DC link current alarm condition has occurred. Go to (b).
<2>If an abnormal DC link current alarm condition has occurred. Replace the SVM.
(b)Disconnect the motor power leads from the SVM, and check the insulation between PE and the motor power lead U, V, or W.
<1>If the insulation is deteriorated. Go to (c).
<2>If the insulation is normal. Replace the SVM.
(c)Disconnect the motor from its power leads, and check whether the insulation of the motor or power leads is deteriorated.
<1>If the insulation of the motor is deteriorated. Replace the motor.
<2>If the insulation of any power lead is deteriorated. Replace the power lead.
Alarm Code 8.9.A.
(1)Meaning Inverter: IPM alarm
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Disconnect the motor power leads from the SVM, and release the SVM from an emergency stop condition.
<1>If no IPM alarm condition has
occurred. Go to (b).
<2>If an IPM alarm condition has occurred. Replace the SVM.
(b)Disconnect the motor power leads from the SVM, and check the insulation between PE and the motor power lead U, V, or W.
<1>If the insulation is deteriorated. Go to (c).
<2>If the insulation is normal. Replace the SVM.
(c)Disconnect the motor from its power leads, and check whether the insulation of the motor or power leads is deteriorated.
<1>If the insulation of the motor is deteriorated. Replace the motor.
<2>If the insulation of any power lead is deteriorated. Replace the power lead.
Alarm Code 8.9.A.
(1)Meaning Inverter: IPM alarm (OH)
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Check that the heat sink cooling fan is running.
(b)Check that the motor is being used at or below its continuous rating.
(c)Check that the cooling capacity of the cabinet is sufficient (inspect the fans and filters).
(d)Check that the ambient temperature is not too high.
(e)Replace the SVM.
Alarm Code bcd
(1)Meaning Abnormal inverter motor current
(2)Cause and troubleshooting
(a)Checking the servo parameters Referring to “FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR i series Parameter Manual (B-65270EN),” check whether the following parameters have default values.
Fanuc-15i PRM 1809, 1852, 1853
Fanuc-16i/18i/21i PRM & Power Mate i No.2004, 2040, 2041
For more help or a quote to replace your unit, give us a call at 800-691-8511 or email
Joe Kaminski

Joe Kaminski is an industrial automation specialist at MRO Electric. He has a background in industrial engineering and supply chain management. Joe has worked in the automation industry for over 10 years providing support to some of the largest companies in the world. For more info, visit

Published by
Joe Kaminski

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